
Professional Microneedling vs At-Home Microneedling Treatment For Acne Scars

vampire facial microneedling
By: Kali Kushner

What’s the deal with all these photos of people’s faces covered in blood? You’ve probably seen it on social media, through influencers and celebs alike; Vampire facials also known as PRP microneedling facials have quickly become one of the latest trends in skincare.

Even Kim Kardashian, the queen socialite of all things trendy, has become a huge fan of this microneedling facial, plastering pics of her Halloween inspired bloody face all over Instagram.

The facial may look scary, but it’s supposed to boast some big-time skin benefits; ranging from helping wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, and uneven skin tone and texture.

Well, the treatment is a combination of microneedling  and  PRP (platelet-rich plasma).

PRP is the serum portion of blood that contains super powerful platelets. The theory is that the platelets contain growth factors, which when applied to the skin, will stimulate cell production revealing a new, even, fresh skin tone. Pretty cool right?

Basically, the facial uses your own blood to give you a fresh face by promoting collagen production and skin cell activity. 

It optimizes function for collagen, elastin, and supposedly gives extra antioxidant properties. PRP is becoming increasingly common in facials, microneedling treatments, and fillers.

Alternately, microneedling can also be done at home, however it would simple microneedling without the blood being drawing and you can apply a fragrance free vitamin c serum or basic fragrance free moisturizer on top.  

What's the difference between them? 


This microneedling procedure should only be done in-office by certified professionals. Not every office is the same quality, so do your research to see who you want to go to.

The treatment begins with an initial blood draw, from your own arm. Luckily, that first needle poke is about the only thing that hurts during the whole process in most cases. After the blood is drawn, it’s run through a centrifuge. This is a machine that spins the vile of blood super fast so it can separate the blood from the platelets, with the PRP being a yellow-tinged liquid & the blood remaining red.

They will likely apply numbing cream before doing the microneedling procedure to inject in the PRP, which will create tiny micro-injuries into the skin, allowing for absorption of the PRP. Next, PRPs are spread across your face either with or without radiofrequency. 

Recovery time is usually about 2-3 days. Depending on how aggressive and deep the microneedling procedure is and how sensitive your skin is.

PRP microneedling procedures are relatively safe, the only risk you run is bruising at the time your blood is drawn, however there have been 2 cases of people contracting HIV thorough PRP at a spa

The needle length for professional microneedling typically will start at 1.0mm length and go higher up to 2.5mm. 

After the treatment, it’ll look and feel a little bit like a sunburn. You can expect some minor skin shedding 3-4 days after the procedure. Aftercare includes minimal skincare, no makeup, and adequate amounts of sunscreen as well as avoiding the sun as much as possible. 

Regular in office microneedling without PRP can also be done too by professionals.  The procedure will most likely be done by either an P.A. if you go to a dermatologist's office, or you can get them done by trained estheticians at certain spas or offices.   The same procedure will apply for the PRP except they skip the blood drawing part, and apply a different topical instead. 


Luckily, most people are a candidate for PRP microneedling facials. Unless you have a history of blood disease or are prone to blood clotting, then you should not seek out this type of acne scar treatment.

So if you’re looking to rejuvenate your skin, decrease hyperpigmentation or acne scars, a PRP microneedling facial might be the way to go.

Microneedling facials with PRP can run a little on the pricey side, averaging about $1,000 a treatment. Though I’ve seen some as cheap as $600, it was recommended to have at least three treatments, totaling $1,800. The price depends on the doctor and the number of treatments needed to achieve the desired results.

Professional Microneedling Without PRP

Most people can quality for microneedling treatments, but when getting it done professionally it is recommended if you don't have any more acne breakouts since the treatment will typically go over your whole face.  

Deep microneedling may trigger some new breakouts in some people too due to the temporary inflammation it causes. These treatments will cost less than PRP microneedling, but can still range around $400 per session.  


@banishacnescars Professional microneedling sessions can cost hundreds, and thousands after having multiple treatments. The Banisher 2.0 allows you to do microneedling treatments at home. Have you tried microneedling for your #acnescars? #acnescarring #acnescartreatment #acnescarremoval #banishacnescars #skincare #dermastamp #banisher #banishacnescars ♬ original sound - BANISH

There are home microneedling tools available too!  Home treatments will often not penetrate as deeply and can enhance exfoliation, collagen stimulation and product absorption.

The results may not be as fast as with in-office microneedling and it may not be as effective for very deep scars,  but Microneedling at home can definitely give improvements to acne scars and hyperpigmentation through consistent use for a couple of months at a much lower price compared to professional microneedling treatments. 

Choosing a microneedling tool that's safe is the main concern of an at-home acne scar treatment.   The one that Banish provides is patented and inspected before each shipment, has  24k gold plated titanium bristles to ensure quality and bacteria resistance and has bristles that are the minimum length to stimulate collagen. They also provide a 45-day guarantee if you aren't satisfied.

When doing microneedling at home, a stamping tool is best and more user friendly.  Also make sure the needles are not longer than 0.5mm. 

Everyone's skin is different, but with consistent and long term use, you should see results within three months. Depending on how fresh your acne marks are and how fast your skin naturally heals, you may even see results sooner.

Microneedling can work for depressed acne scars. This has to do with the collagen-inducing effects that maximize the potential for skin regeneration

If you're going to do microneedling to treat acne scars, it's important to follow all instructions on the package and to thoroughly sanitize your hands, skin, and tool before each use.  It is important to be mindful also not to push too hard on the needling device or drag it across the skin, and of course, do not share your tool with anyone.  

How to do Microneedling at home with the Banisher:

1. Sanitize the microneedling tool

Always start by sanitizing your tool, letting it  soak in 70 percent isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol  for 5 minutes.

2. Cleanse your face 

Wash your face with a mild cleanser. You can also use rubbing alcohol to wipe the area you are going to microneedling for extra precautions.

3. Start with microneedling session 

Press the microneedling tool 4 to 5 times in each area. Lift up, and Rotate it to about 90 degrees before you press down again for even coverage. This takes about 2 minutes depending on how large the area you want to treat is. 

4. Apply Vitamin C Serum 

You can pour a vitamin C serum on clean hands to apply several drops of serum and leave it on.   We recommend the Banish serum due to it being made fresh so the vitamin c hasn't oxidized. It is also free of fragrance, dyes, or unnecessary preservatives as any product you apply after microneedling ( the good or bad ) will be more highly absorbed into the skin.  

5. Sanitize the microneedling tool again

Soak in alcohol for 5 minutes then discard the alcohol. Let it air dry before storing it back. 

Pros and Cons of Home Microneedling Compared to In-Office Microneedling Sessions.

Microneedling tools for home use 


  • More affordable
  • Little to no downtime
  • Visible and lasting results after 4 treatments
  • Convenient
  • User has full control when stamping the microneedling tool on the face on where to pinpoint treatment so you can avoid active acne
  • User has full control of what skincare is applied to the skin 


  • May take longer to see results compared to professional microneedling
  • May not be as effective for severe deep scars compared to certain professional treatments 

In-Office Microneedling: 


  • May notice results faster due to longer needles (up to 2.5mm)
  • You will be able to have PRP injection performed 
  • May have better results from severe skin damage,  deep wrinkles or deep scarring.

Cons of PRP Microneedling: 

  • Expensive ($700-$1000 per month)
  • Did not see a lasting result after the first treatment
  • May not be suitable if you are still having some acne, or prone to fainting from sight of blood. 

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